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Sunday, February 20, 2011

We head back to the 80s for episode five as we welcome the Look out for Kev boys into the TNAA studio. This episode talks about a wide range of topics including liam's unfortunate day (where things don't seem to get any better for him on the show either!) pop filters,superheros, sex education and general campness. Oh joy! we hope you enjoy episode five! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011


Here is the long awaited episode four of That's Not an Answer. This week in the studio we have the amazing singer songwriter Joey Wylde, and also we welcome back to the studio the beautiful Rory Dorling. This weeks topics include jack's birthday, music, randomness and much more stupidity! We hope you enjoy this one as much as we have enjoyed making it :) x

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Sorry guys for not getting a podcast done this week! It's been a busy old week for us guys with my fair lady, Young Dancer of Mann and many of our coursework deadlines having to be met.
So here's what we're going to do to make it up to you guys! THIS FRIDAY'S EPISODE IS GOING TO BE MASSIVE!
We have singer song writer Joey Wylde in the studio, We have the amazing Rory Dorling back, PLUS we have our new theme tune written by the Look out for Kev boys!
We'll also be partying hard while recording as it's jack's birthday! This week is going to be good!

We promise the episode will be up as soon as poosible!
Cheers guys! Keep Smilin'
Liam & Jack :) x